But no, prequels weren’t involved. It turns out that Lucas was the person behind a game that terrified me as a kid (that few people seem to remember!) called Rescue on Fractalus. I played it at my Aunt’s house on her Commodore 64 when I was a child and the fear of playing it never quite left me. It’s amusing to see now, though, but I guarantee you this would have been your worst nightmare 30 years ago.
I managed to talk with the developer behind the game and he gave me a fantastic interview about his design decisions and what it was like working at LucasArts (then Lucasfilm Games) at its inception. This was the first article I wrote for /Film but the fifth one published. I’ve been writing a bunch of articles that have needed a decent amount of (very fun!) research for the past few weeks and it’s been great. I’ve always loved the site and it’s a trip getting my name on it.
I’m also glad that my nefarious goal of writing about video games for every film website on the internet is proceeding as planned.